Neroli essential oil comes from the flower of bitter orange tree. The name began in the 16th century when the Italian princess Nerola used the flowers of bitter orange tree to scent her bath and clothes. It was used traditionally to make bridal bouquets, because it was believed to provide a calming action on stressed brides. It is known for its sweet, flowery scent, ideal for relaxing and uplifting the mood.
Excellent for all skin types
Ideal for dry skin with a tendency of aging and stretch marks
Helps to rejuvenate skin cells and improves elasticity
Detox, cellulite, water retention
Muscle pains and rheumatism
Mind and spirit
Ideal for calming people with an irritable temperament
Raises the spirit, wards off depression, emotional exhaustion and insomnia
Use to feel creative, brave or sensuous
Combine with: lavender, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, bergamot, grapefruit, orange, geranium, lemon.
Aromatherapy uses:
For a sensual atmosphere: Add 6 drops of neroli essential oil to air diffuser.
For stretch marks: Add 10 drops of neroli essential oil to 10ml of rosehip oil and massage into the most problematic areas.
For dry, mature skin: Add 16 drops of neroli essential oil to 30ml of rosehip oil and massage the face.
For relief against insomnia and depression: Dissolve 10 drops of neroli essential oil into a bath.
Safety instructions:
Avoid eye contact. Rinse thoroughly should the essential oils reach the eye area.
Do not eat unless advised by doctor, pharmacist or trained aromatherapist.
Do not use undiluted on skin.
Test for allergic reactions.
When using citrus essential oils, avoid the sun or solarium for 12 hours.
When pregnant or during lactation, consult your doctor before using any essential oil.
Be careful when using on kids under 12 years old.